In our catalogue we included a new variety of Cornus dedicated to the French landscape architect Andrè Gayraud, author of “A Monograph of the Genus Cornus” published by Giorgio Tesi Editrice. The book contains the description of the 620 varieties of the genus Cornus with details of the species, hybrid varieties and cultivar present in the 5 continents. The work, of international scientific interest, includes the works of the maximum Cornus experts worldwide.

Cornus alternifolia “André Gayraud” ®
This species is characterised by an exceptional vigour, variegation of the leaves, which are larger than the species type Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea', some with pink edges, some white ones, others completely green, and multiaxial. What distinguishes them, as cultivar and variegated foliage, is the vigour and the three entirely separate colours on the same branch. The shrub is spontaneously very tick, practically multiaxial, but much less tabular than the Argentea, with layered branches.