Giorgio Tesi Group and CNR
We permanently collaborate with the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante (Institute for the Protection of Plants) of the CNR for the protection of the cypress (threatened by Seridium cardinale commonly called cypress cancer) and elm (subject to Dutch elm disease), through research projects of new varieties resistant to these diseases and with quality ornamental features.
We produce and sell historical and resistant clones , tested by the CNR, result of many years of study, such as Bolgheri®, Mediterraneo and Italico varieties, beautiful plants with a more or less columnar shape, and the Agrimed n.1® variety with larger fastigiated shape.
Very important for this activity was the acquisition of Terzo company of Grosseto that has been collaborating with the CNR for over 30 years. Said purchase allowed not dispersing a very important research heritage. In addition, in it there are about 15,000 plants of the above mention varieties, 2 to 9 metres tall, available for immediate sales.

The Cupressus sempervirens “Agrimed n.1”® is a clone resistant to the “canker of cypress” (Seiridium Cardinale), selected and patented by CNR in 1990. Its large shape and its thick branches make it particularly suitable for wind-breaks and anti-noise barriers. Moreover, the dark green colour of its leaves and the vigorous growth has aroused more and more interest as ornamental plant to be used alone or in group.

Cupressus sempervirens “Bolgheri” ®
The Cupressus Sempervirens Bolgheri ® is a clone obtained by the CNR, selected from a mother plant from the Florentine countryside, resistant to the attack of the “canker” (Seiridium Cardinale). Apart from being highly resistant to Seiridium Cardinale, it boasts a good tolerance to cold climate, but it is especially its elegant columnar shape, which makes it suitable for groups or street formations.