The certifications
Giorgio Tesi Group
Giorgio Tesi Group is the first
Italian nursery gardening company
to have obtained
the EMAS certification.
Continuing the eco-efficiency and sustainability commitment we confirmed the most important environmental and company management certifications (Registration no. IT 001442), ISO 9002(Certificate no. 22329) and MPS class A (Certificate no. 802529), issued by accredited Authorities (Certiquality, ISPRA Ministry of Environment, MPS-ECAS).
Iso 14001 and EMAS attest the validity of the company management system implemented by the company, overall they regard territorial planning, active protection of the territory, guideline and control of the waters and waste cycle, management and maintenance of the company heritage, control and optimisation of phytosanitary products and fertilisers consumption, the optimisation of energy consumption, and the implementation of instruments for sustainable development.
With the development of our environmental policies, we want to activate strategies and interventions that, day after day, actively protect the environment. Every year we develop an improvement programme verified by a third organisation accredited internationally.
Develop organic strategies, capillary interventions that day after day protection the environment and development, not in a mere passive protection perspective, but in the awareness of the advantages that this implies. In fact, the company every year must update an improvement programme on the various environmental topics that will be verified by a third organisation accredited internationally.
ISO 9001
UNI EN ISO 14001
In 2020 our company also became authorized to use the VivaiFiori quality mark.
Giorgio Tesi Group obtain the Class A environmental certification MPS.
It is a monitoring tool that allows companies to push the right buttons to reduce their impact on the environment. By recording usage, it is measured how sustainably a company produces. This leads to a more conscious use of resources and growers can use the data to make their business more sustainable.
GLOBAL GAP is an important international certification which confirms good agricultural practices in the cultivation of plants.
The GGN label shows that products were cultivated according to responsible and certified practices, increasing also the transparency of the supply chain, considering that the latter provides a source of information on the origin of the products, which guarantees the company’s commitment towards environmental sustainability and the rational use of production factors. The protection of the environment is at the centre of the philosophy of the certification, which monitors the on-field application of good agricultural practices, which are at the core of the company’s production method.